Qualification: More than 2 years total practice or 3 months after receiving 1st kyu. Age 12 for
“junior rank” ending on 17th birthday (or by special invitation).
A: Kata
1. The examiner selects a Kata from Heian shodan to Tekki shodan
2. The examinee select a Kata from group A
B: Kihon – four sets of each combination by instructors count
1. Sanbon-tsuki (Jodan-Chudan-Chudan): Step in punch once face, twice stomach
2. Age-uke-Kizami-mae-geri-Gyaku-tsuki: Step back rising block, front leg front kick, reverse
3. Soto-Ude-uke-Empi-uchi-uraken-uchi-gyaku-tsuki (Zenkutsu-dachi-Kiba-dachi-Zenkutsudachi):
Step in outside forearm block (front stance), elbow strike (side stance), back-fist
strike, reverse punch (front stance)
4. Shuto-uke Kizami-mae-geri-Shihon-Nukite (Kokutsu-dachi): Step back, back stance knife
hand block, front leg front kick, spear hand (front stance), shift back to knife-hand
5. Mae-geri Chudan-Jodan (One count 2 steps): Front-leg front kick stomach, back leg –
6. Mawashi-geri Chudan-Jodan (One count 2 steps): Front-leg Roundhouse kick stomach,
back leg – face
7. Yoko-geri-kiage (Kiba-dachi): Side snap kick (side stance)
8. Yoko-geri-kekomi: Side thrust kick
9. Kizami Yoko-geri-kekomi, Mawashi-geri Gyaku-tsuki: Front leg side thrust kick, back leg
roundhouse kick, reverse punch
10. Kizami Mawashi-geri Oi-tsuki Jodan: Front leg roundhouse kick, step in punch face
11. Uchi-Ude-Uke-Kizami-mae-geri-Kizami-tsuki-Gyaku-tsuki: Step back inside forearm
block, front leg front kick and short punch (same-time), reverse punch.
12. In Zenkutsu dachi mae-geri Yoko-geri-kekomi back to Zenkutsu dachi (4 times each leg):
In front stance, back leg front snap kick then side thrust kick, and back to front stance.
C: Kumite
1. Jiyu-Ippon Kumite
a. Jodan-Chudan-Mae-geri-Yoko-geri-kekomi-Ushiro-geri: Face, stomach, front snap
kick, side thrust kick, back thrust kick
2. Jiyu-Kumite (against a brown belt a Shodan and a Nidan)
Qualification: More than 2 years after Sho dan.
A. Kata
1. Examinee’s choice – Group A, B, or C
2. Examiner’s choice – Heian 2-5, Tekki 1-2, or Group A
B. Kihon
1. *(F) From free style position, short punch to face level followed by step-in punch twice
to the face level.
2. (T) From free style position, slide forward with short punch to face level, front kick from
back leg, step-in punch to face level.
3. (F) Moving sideways in side stance, side snap kick to face level, back leg side thrust
while moving forward in cross leg motion into side stance.
4. (B) From free style position, step back — rising block, forward with round kick- – backfist
strike (same side) face level, step-in punch face level.
5. From stationary position, front kick- – side snap kick– back kick (side, thrust, or hook),
return to stationary position. Both sides.
*(F) Moving forward
(T) Moving backward
(T) Turn to opposite direction
C. Jiyu Kumite (free sparring)
1. Lower level
2. Same level
3. Above level
Qualification: More than 3 years after Ni dan.
A. Kata
1. Examinee’s choice – Group A, B, or C.
2. Examiner’s choice – Group A, B, Tekki 1, or Heian 2-5.
3. Explanation of examiner’s choice of examinee’s major kata. Explain bunkai of a
technical point. Show the application against opponent.
B. Kihon
1. Examinee’s explanation of combination choice.
a. Use of basic concepts (stance connection, power source and transmission, and kime
b. Application, from set-up to finishing technique and recovery.
2. Examiner’s choice – explain, to a student how to improve a technique (kick, punch,
block, strike).
C. Jiyu Kumite (free sparring)
1. Lower level
2. Same level
3. Above level
Qualification: More than 4 years after San dan.
Evidence of commitment to the quality of The American JKA and its members.
Evidence of personal growth in the values of JKA Style Shotokan Karate-do.
A. Kata
1. Examinee’s choice – Group A, B, C, or D.
2. Examiner’s choice – Group A, B, Heian 2-5, Tekki 1.
3. Examinee’s explanation of Kata technique. Explain bunkai and show the application.
Examiner’s choice.
B. Kihon
1. Examinee explain the choice of combination in technical points.
2. Examinee explain the choice of combination in application concepts.
C. Kumite
1. Jiyu ippon kumite
2. Jiyu kumite
3. Explanation of kumite strategy and timing of defense or offense.
D. Research subject
1. Examinee’s choice from body dynamics, muscle coordination, and forces related to
upper and lower body power transmission for punching, striking, kicking, leg sweeping,
blocking, or stance.
2. Length of paper: minimum of 500 words excluding Title page,
Abstract, Executive Summary, Table of Contents, Appendices,
Curriculum Vitae, Figures and Tables, acknowledgements and
3. Presentation to The American JKA Technical Committee.
4. Brief explanation to Examiners.
Qualification: More than five years after Yon dan.
Has accepted responsibility as assistant to a technical or administrative position.
Has accepted responsibility as an instructor in a national activity.
Has accepted responsibility for national tournament activity as a coach, official, or organizer.
Has shown evidence of personal growth in values of JKA Shotokan Karate-do.
Has completed the required research and submitted copies in proper form to The American JKA
A. Kata
1. Examinee’s choice – Group A, B, C, or D.
2. Examiner’s choice – Group A, B, C, or D.
3. Explain Examiner’s choice of kata technique from any kata.
B. Kumite
1. Jiyu ippon kumite
2. Examinee’s choice of attack or defense combinations.
3. Examinee explains combinations in terms of strategy timing and shifting.
C. Research Subject
1. Examinee’s selection of theory related to:
a. Body dynamics
b. Coordination/timing
c. Strategy
d. Power relations
2. Examinee’s theory must reflect depth in research for support.
3. Examinee may chose test the theory, but extensive test procedure is not
recommended at this level.
4. Quality of presentation, adherence to proper format, and depth of study will be of prime
5. Length of the paper is not of concern. Insignificant wordiness is a waste of time for
6. Submit to The American JKA Technical Committee a minimum of one week prior to the
exam date.
7. Prepare for brief oral explanation during examination or before.
Questions will be asked for the purpose of determining
understanding and bringing out the quality of the research.
Qualification: More than 6 years after Go dan.
Has accepted and provided leadership in a national level position that
promotes the AJKA in particular and JKA style Shotokan Karate-do in
Provides technical and administrative training that directly
elevates an individual to Yon dan level.
Has shown evidence in personal growth in the values of The American
Has assisted in international activities.
A. Kata – Selected from Group A, B, C, or D.
B. Research Subject
1. New research subject
2. Brief presentation
A. Service to national organization.
B. Service to international activities.
C. Research subject through actual application and testing.
D. National published articles or research.
A. Service to national organization
B. Service to international relations.
C. Publish of extensive study.
Uncommon individual achievement in research, published works, teaching and
leadership resulting in the raising of a Seventh Rank (Nana dan).
At this stage the individual has reached the highest image of karate development. This
person has been directly responsible in the raising of people to the Eighth Rank (Hachi dan).